My Origins Story

My Origins Story

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Leanna Haakons. She got me thinking about my beginnings in this business. Here’s my favorite part of the interview:


"It was only after I got into it that I realized ‘This is the thing I’ve really wanted to do’...

I help couples strengthen their relationship through talking about money.

This might seem like a ludicrous idea, but it’s a really important topic that affects your life always and forever...

This is one of the top causes of relationship issues and divorce, and there are very few people specializing in this space.

And even fewer who are willing to actually get in the trenches with a couple who is struggling to get on the same page and help them do that.”


I have the tremendous privilege of being able to support couples in having thriving relationships and finances. I look forward to continuing and growing this business in the years to come.


Want to level up your game around money in your relationship? My free quiz will help you learn your Couple’s Money Personality Type AND how you can grow from there!

~Adam Kol, The Couples Financial Coach

Adam Kol

I am a Couples Financial Coach who loves helping couples get on the same page, minimize their financial stress, and build healthy financial futures. As a Certified Mediator, a Lawyer, and a former Financial Advisor, I offer private coaching and programs so that you can have the teamwork, peace of mind, and financial freedom that you want and deserve.

This has been a tough week...

This has been a tough week...

 I'm on CNBC!

I'm on CNBC!