
All tagged Personal Finance

Marriage Counselor or Financial Coach? A Couples Financial Coach's Take on Which One You Need

Money is a top cause of relationship stress, breakups, and divorce. When couples face financial issues, they want to find their way to clarity, teamwork, and peace of mind.

But what kind of professional is best-suited to give you the support you need?

Dave Ramsey’s blog post -- “Marriage Counselor or Financial Coach: Which One Do You Need?” -- tries to bring some clarity to this conversation.

He analyzes some stressful money situations. Then, he suggests whether to hire a (1) Marriage Counselor or (2) Financial Coach.

I’m a Couples Financial Coach and Certified Mediator. I’m also a former Tax Attorney and Financial Advisor. Keep reading to see where I agree, disagree, or even suggest a third choice.

Below, I’ll discuss Dave’s seven situations. Then, I’ll share some other common money issues and which professional I recommend. Finally, I’ll share more about my work as a Couples Financial Coach.