Episode #45 - Redesign Your Family Finances With These Budgeting Basics
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The word budget makes many people feel restricted, much like a child sent to their room. But when done well, with the guidance of a coach, budgeting can actually help you afford more of what you enjoy most with less stress and overwhelm.
Cyndia Rivera joins us today to talk:
budgeting basics,
why couples hesitate or are afraid to ask for help, and
how partners might be accidentally and unknowingly sabotaging each other budget-wise.
She shares several real-life examples of couples who have improved their relationship (to each other and toward money); achieved their financial goals; reduced stress about money and bills; and who’ve set off on debt-free lifestyles...all as a result of some simple budgeting basics and accountability.
A few highlights:
There are a million budget templates out there because there is no one-size-fits-all budget format. Start from the top by listing out your expenses the way Cyndia explains it [8:57]
The top reasons people hesitate or don’t reach out at all are overwhelm and fear. Nobody wants someone to tell them they can’t spend money on the things they enjoy most. Thankfully, a great financial coach won’t do that to you!
Chances are you have more money and can afford more than you think! It’s just a matter of spending and saving for what matters to you.
Want to level up your game around money in your relationship? My free quiz will help you learn your Couple’s Money Personality Type AND how you can grow from there!
Adam Kol
I am a Couples Financial Coach who loves helping couples get on the same page, minimize their financial stress, and build healthy financial futures. As a Certified Mediator, a Lawyer, and a former Financial Advisor, I offer private coaching and programs so that you can have the teamwork, peace of mind, and financial freedom that you want and deserve.