
All tagged Money & Marriage

Episode #65 - How Attachment Styles Impact Financial Well Being

Think your childhood doesn't impact your financial well being? Think again. Our upbringing has a direct impact on our relationships, including our relationship with money.

The attachment style we develop at a young age directly influences our communication and behavior in intimate relationships and with financial decisions.

But there’s good news: our brains are *not* fixed.

No matter how we were raised, we can establish new attachment patterns and develop a more secure relationship with money.

Episode #64 - Awkward Money Conversations with Family

“Couples and money” is being discussed more and more frequently in the media. But what about those other money conversations?

You know, the awkward money conversations with family and friends. Maybe your friend asked to borrow money. Or you need to discuss your parents’ financial plan after retirement.

How do you have awkward money conversations that benefit your relationships *and* your financial plan?

In today's episode Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial Talks Money: Scripts, Stories and Advice to Navigate Awkward Financial Conversations, breaks it all down for us.

Episode #63 - Working Mom Life (As The Breadwinner) Part 2 of 2

“There’s always opportunity costs. It’s not necessarily the dollars; it’s what else are you not doing?...When you make the decision to do’re saying yes to something, and you’re saying no to something else.”

This is a powerful concept for working parents, perhaps especially mothers. And while times have changed, have our attitudes shifted?

In part two of our interview with Meghan Dwyer, Financial Planner and host of the podcast Money Isn't Scary, we continue unpacking the challenges for female breadwinners in a society that’s still too close to our Disney Fairytales.

Bottom Line: while each partnership is unique, childcare and emotional support still fall disproportionately to women in heterosexual relationships.

What’s the path forward?

Episode #62 - Working Mom Life (As The Breadwinner) Part 1 of 2

Fears, Feelings, and Fatigue, OH MY!

Today we have a no-fluff conversation with Financial Planner and Podcast Host Meghan Dwyer about juggling career, family, and the nuances that come with being a female breadwinner.

Money isn't scary, but we all have stories that we tell ourselves about our self-worth and ability to handle finances. For many women these stories are deeply embedded, negative, and reinforced throughout their lives.

Episode #60 - Conflict, Communication, and Problem Solving With Your Partner

What would it be like to handle money in a way that highlights your strength and that you actually *enjoy* doing?!

Today’s guest will convince you that it’s possible!

How? Well, you can’t change your partner’s money habits. After all, you can only change yourself, right?

But you *can* understand and work within their “zone of genius.”

And Kolbe Theory ™ Certified Coach Michael Dickey is here to show us how!

Episode #59 - Financial Abuse In Couples

Having your caring, concerned, and trusted partner handle the finances in your relationship...seems like a dream come true, right?

Not so fast!

Relinquishing control may seem like an ideal way to avoid confrontation and reduce the stress of money management between couples…

But what happens when concern turns into coercion? When does trust become a threat?

Financial abuse isn't widely discussed, so you may be surprised to learn how prevalent it is. Like domestic abuse, financial abuse can be subtle, suggestive at the outset, and yet just as severe.

Before giving your partner complete control, listen to today's episode with Carine Keenan, Relationship Therapist, Coach, and the creator of Financially Fit Couples.

Episode #57 - Attachment Styles, Relationships, and Money

You learned about skeletal and muscular systems in school.

But what about the psychological and biological system that helps us form and maintain healthy relationships with ourselves, others, and our money?

Ed Coambs is a thought leader in Financial Therapy with experience in financial planning. He has combined his experience with analysis of the latest brain and love research to learn what makes us tick around relationships and money.

He’s found a theory that explains so much of it: Attachment Theory.

Ed is here to share how attachment styles can impact our financial wellbeing.