Episode #48 - How The Magic of Decluttering Filters Your Life For Joy

Episode #48 - How The Magic of Decluttering Filters Your Life For Joy

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Would you like more lightness, joy, and clarity in your life around your finances and your life?

Who wouldn’t!

Today, Jenna Carlson, a Certified KonMari Consultant, helps us explore the important relationship between physical clutter and financial chaos!

The KonMari method is a systematic yet intuitive process of weeding through our physical belongings. For example, for things that no longer serve us or bring us joy, we thank them and get rid of them. This all helps us move to a more abundant mindset through decluttering our personal space.

Jenna talks about:

  • Decluttering on your own or with your partner

  • Whether or not your partner needs to be on board

  • What to expect if you embark upon the KonMari decluttering method 

So much of our behavior as adults is a reflection of the way we grew up. That includes our financial habits, our health habits, and yes, even what we keep and how we keep our physical personal space.

Start by decluttering clothing first, according to Marie Kondo’s teachings. Then, prepare to be amazed at the across-the-board lightness and clarity you’ll discover!

A few highlights: 

  • Our finances, careers, relationships, and even our living situations often transpire on autopilot based on how we were raised and impacted from a young age. It’s up to us as adults to wake up and ask, is this what I really want? [5:53]

  • You can easily learn more about decluttering using the KonMari method by tuning into the Netflix show, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” or picking up her book, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up.

  • If you’re struggling with a scarcity mindset, it may seem counterintuitive to declutter. But when you go through ALL your things in each category, you realize how much you actually DO have. This brings a sense of the abundance sitting right there in your home. [9:05]


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Adam Kol

I am a Couples Financial Coach who loves helping couples get on the same page, minimize their financial stress, and build healthy financial futures. As a Certified Mediator, a Lawyer, and a former Financial Advisor, I offer private coaching and programs so that you can have the teamwork, peace of mind, and financial freedom that you want and deserve.

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